Spring! Spring! Spring! Sewing…?

It’s been a loooonnnnnnggggggg winter, and it looks like spring is finally shoving winter out the door. The piles of snow in the yard are shrinking daily, and there are lovely little leaves peeking up, showing signs of life from their bulbs. I’m over the flu enough now to sew, so it’s time now to think: Spring and Summer sewing projects!! Continue reading

Spring and summer sewing “plans” – 2014

I didn’t do much sewing this past fall and winter, because I injured my wrist at work and it’s been a very slow recovery. I made a crinoline for Hallowe’en, to go under one of my Vintage Vogue dresses (you can see it, along with the vintage hat, as one of the photos in the dress review), and a knit tunic, but that was pretty much it until March. I restarted sewing by making a Queen Elsa of Arendelle costume for my friend’s daughter’s fourth birthday, and now I’m enthusiastic about sewing for myself again! My wrist still isn’t quite right, so I can’t overdo it, but I can happily plug away at some dresses and tops for myself. Here are my sewing “plans” for June- September. Of course I won’t get all of these done; and some other items are sure to be added in. I’m hoping for half, especially if I can figure out how to sew a bit faster. But here’s what speaks to me this season. We’ll see what happens– and I’ll review what gets done. Yes, I know I’m still terribly behind on that– I have reviews written but am missing the photos, and have photos but am missing those reviews! Continue reading